Posts tagged Social Security
Your Social Security Checks Are About To Get Fatter And The Retirement Readiness Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Today

Social Security checks are about to get a whole lot bigger come January 2022 but is it enough? Learn why the largest boost to Social Security in over thirty years is still not enough to retire comfortably. Additionally, be sure to ask yourselves these retirement readiness questions to check whether you’re on track to financial independence.

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What Does A Reduction in Social Security Look Like?

The Social Security Trust Fund is quickly dwindling with the latest report suggesting that it will be zeroed out by 2034. Currently, Social Security accounts for the only source of income for 40% of retirees. When that cut in benefits occurs, what should Americans expect?

Join Henry as he provides an overview of the Social Security system, what has led to this shortage in funds and what to expect in terms of benefits reduction for Medicare and Social Security benefits. If you’re unsure if the effect of benefit reductions will impact you significantly, be sure to follow through on Henry’s exercise to simulate a reduction in benefits and find out if you can maintain your retirement lifestyle when the drop in benefits occur.

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