Posts tagged personal finance
Retirement Mindset Series - 2 of 5

For many of us, we only get one shot at retirement. Because let’s face it, how many times have you sat there thinking that if only you knew what you knew now about financial planning ten-fifteen-twenty years ago? That if you knew better when you were younger about how to make smarter money decisions, you would be in a much better financial position than you are now?

While we may not be able to recreate our decisions, we can focus on the here and now. We can ensure that we are taking every appropriate step to drive towards a sound and secure retirement.

Part of 2 Retirement Mindset is about figuring out your Social Security and pension income strategies. For many, Social Security and the pension will be the largest monthly income that a retiree has, and having the right strategy in place could determine whether you can sustain the retirement lifestyle you envision.

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Henry Wongpersonal finance
Retirement Mindset Series - 1 of 5

With individuals posed to spend as much time in retirement as their working years, it is surprising that the question of whether you are about to have a successful retirement isn’t more of an active thought than it really is. While that may be typical, it doesn’t mean you have to keep it as such. Join Henry as he takes you on a five-part series on how to best determine whether you are on track for retirement and all of the retirement questions you should be asking but have not thought to ask.

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Henry Wongpersonal finance
Year-End Financial Check Up

As we quickly approach the end of the year, it is crucial that we take the moment to think about our financial health and whether we have taken all of the appropriate steps to not only decrease our tax liability but also protect our family.

With less than two months left before the year-end, now is the most appropriate time to check your financial affairs and ensure everything is in order. Join Henry as he goes over the financial health check-up that you should be conducting before we dive too much further into the end of the year.

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Financial First Steps for Graduating Physicians

Healthcare professionals spend an exorbitant amount of time and money to obtain their professional education. Unfortunately, while the education system may be sufficient to help prepare healthcare professionals for a career in medicine, it very rarely provides them with the necessary knowledge needed to build a foundation for their financial future.

As if not knowing isn't hard enough, having disinformation from sales brokers masquerading as financial fiduciaries make what ought to be simple financial steps even more complex and costly.

While this episode is geared primarily for graduating healthcare professionals wanting to structure their financial foundation, the concepts and steps can be easily implemented by any graduating individual who wants to kickstart their path to financial independence.

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Financial Heart to Heart for Couples

It's hard enough trying to get your financial house in order individually but what happens at the joining of two people? With money being the very core of almost all aspects of our lives, it's critical in today's environment that we embrace money matters together.

With financial matters being one of the primary reasons why couples fight, it is best to embrace that money will be something you will have to talk about with your partner. But money talks shouldn't have to be complicated, embarrassing, or even tense. If you're ready to take the next financial step with your partner or you haven't quite really joined finances together, you can start now with these five easy topics.

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Your Social Security Checks Are About To Get Fatter And The Retirement Readiness Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Today

Social Security checks are about to get a whole lot bigger come January 2022 but is it enough? Learn why the largest boost to Social Security in over thirty years is still not enough to retire comfortably. Additionally, be sure to ask yourselves these retirement readiness questions to check whether you’re on track to financial independence.

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Understanding the Debt Ceiling and The Secret to Becoming Financially Independent

Have you ever felt that your financial life controlled you more than you control your finances? It's no secret that a majority of our life is dictated by money-how much we have and do not have, how much we need, and how much we wish we had. Monetary needs are no longer the primary driver of our economy but also of our lives. It is money that makes us do what we do because without it, rent goes unpaid and lifestyles get shifted.

But why should that always be the case? Imagine a life where you are not obsessed with the need for money but rather focusing on what your life's joyous moments should be. Imagine not punching the clock until age 70 but living life on your terms knowing that you have a financial bedrock stable enough to handle all that life throws at you.

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Protecting Your Family From Unexpected Death with Low Cost Life Insurance

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, and during these unprecedented times with COVID-19, protecting your family is more important than ever. Statistics show that new life insurance policies started this year have far surpassed the years before. Protecting your family from your unexpected death is simple and can be much more cost-effective than you may think. However, not all life insurance carriers are created equal, and the cost for coverage can vary across different insurance companies.

Tune in as Henry busts down the most common myths for life insurance and understand why term life is the best insurance product to protect your family from unexpected death. Working with an independent agent is also the most preferred way of buying term life insurance as they can comparison shop across multiple carriers for the best rate.

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